Thanks for your survey report. While I could not contribute to subject suggestions, I have to say it’s because you do such a great job of covering everything!

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Bom dia senorhas, our clocks fell back this morning. Coffee at 6:15 am is always good, except it was 5:15 am. Arrrgggg. Not sure if I ever took survey, just having gotten home a week ago. Results are probably how I would have voted. As a topic and a series for future, future posts, you and Denis should do the equivalent our the Route 66 in Portugal. The route takes you through the center part of Portugal and is quite beautiful, filled with history and incredible little towns from what I have read. Bom dia to Onyx.

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I love to read your posts. I will miss them!

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Thank you for your many kindnesses and for contributing along the way. I look forward to your insights!

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Hi Nancy, I tried searching for your email but couldn't find it. I want to share Atlys with you - an app that makes applying for visas SO SIMPLE - especially the Portugal D7 visa. If you can share your email, I'd love to tell you more about the D7 experience on Atlys

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