No, you are not the only one to see that irony. Congratulations to Portugal on their flourishing democracy. I pray they remember they value of it and importance of nourishing it for many years to come.

Unlike a certain country I'm thinking of at the moment...

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Love it!!!

"Today marks the 50th anniversary of the Revolução dos Cravos (Carnation Revolution) in Portugal - a truly monumental event that ended nearly five decades of authoritarian rule and ushered in democracy to this wonderful country I now call home.

As an American expat who moved to Portugal 7 years ago, I am constantly in awe of the rich history and resilient spirit of the Portuguese people. To commemorate this historic milestone, I want to share an interesting video from the Thames Archive channel's YouTube page. The footage offers a fascinating glimpse into the 1974 revolution through archival clips and firsthand accounts.

While this video provides an intriguing window into that era, the true power lies in the courage of the Portuguese citizens who fought tirelessly for their freedom and democratic rights we all enjoy today.

On this 50th anniversary, I feel incredibly grateful to the lovely people of Portugal for allowing us expats to be part of their celebrations and national identity. Communities across the country are hosting events to mark this occasion, and I encourage my fellow expats to participate alongside the locals.

By learning about Portugal's journey to democracy and joining in the commemorations, we honor the sacrifices made and renew our appreciation for this nation that has so humbly welcomed us. We are truly lucky to call Portugal home and experience its vibrant culture firsthand.

Let's celebrate the Carnation Revolution together - expats and Portuguese alike - united in our commitment to democratic values that make this country so special."

Here is the YouTube link with the original footage.


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Apr 25Liked by Nancy Whiteman

Just to say - again - that the Constitution of 1976 wasn't our first. It was a NEW one. Not the first. The first was written in tbe XIX century.

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No, you are not the only one. In Pennsylvania’s primary this week Haley still got almost 17% of the vote, despite suspending her campaign in March. In Philly’s ring suburbs it reached 25%. (Biden’s primary opponent got 7%.) There’s still hope for this country, even within the lamentable GOP.

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Apr 25Liked by Nancy Whiteman

Impressive art pieces!

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Apr 25Liked by Nancy Whiteman

Viva a revolução. And yes, I see the irony. The MAGA people have no idea what it is like to live under a dictatorship. They say they are for it. To me this indicates that many people are totally ignorant of the horrors of living in a dictatorship. We can only hope that Trump loses the election. My fear is that he could win, as before, via the undemocratic electoral college.

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Beautiful art work, poignant and poetic

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Apr 25Liked by Nancy Whiteman

spot on as usual. Thank you for sharing and celebrating. Yes I see and feel the irony. That even a minute of time should be spent contemplating if 'immunity' for committing crimes, regardless of position should be considered. sigh. I hope everyone in Portugal has a lovely day of freedom today.

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Not lost at all. Just hope they will restore some integrity back into their process, but not holding my breath.

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Your post-script is spot on!!! You are not the only one!

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What a great post Congratulations Thanks for share. Gratidão.e um abraço de Luz. :)

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Fear not! The irony was not lost!!!!!

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