Thanks for another insightful post about your lives and experiences and observations here in Portugal--and Italy! A fascinating comparison between republics and the importance of not only remembrance/celebration, but also of ongoing struggle for continued progress as we see here. Of course, Portugal as a "country" is among the oldest and it was fun to see the flyover by British RAF jets and Portuguese fighters together here in Lisbon yesterday to celebrate the anniversary of the world's oldest treaty, that between Britain and Portugal at 650 years! And, thanks so much for sharing my own blog post about this year's Carnation Revolution celebrations here! It was indeed an inspiring experience. 25 abril sempre!

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Completely agree about taking care of what you have! Glad you had a great vaca in Italy. It is one of my favorite places on the planet.

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Great post once again. Kind of reminds me a bit of Heather Cox Richardson’s daily letters.

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I would agree that July 4th was a time to celebrate with fireworks, backyard parties and parades our nations independence from Britain. I’m not sure the significance of what Indepence meant…..but I would venture to say that the 1/6 insurrectionists clarified fir the average person exactly how fragile democracy really is….

For me and I imagine for some others, there is more meaning to July 4 today.

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Loved this. Yes, a Republic needs to be tended and cared for or it will go to ruin. I am a gardener and I like to think of it as similar to my flower beds. Soil needs to be amended to make it rich in biodiversity so that the plants have a fertile base in which to grow. You need to watch out for invasive plants, weed with vigor when you find something that you don't want to see growing in your garden. Deadhead and prune as needed to make sure your plants are healthy. Pay attention to their needs for water etc. It takes time and a lot of hard graft, but if you are fully engaged in your garden - you are all the more connected to its fruits and fully vested in its success. Thank you for sharing.

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Informative, factual and….bloody interesting,,!

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Beautiful picture of Venice. Thanks for the heads up on Maddows new podcast. I did not know.

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Worth checking out!

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Thanks for the history lesson, so much we are not aware of due to our own ignorance, it just amazes me how complacent the US has become, take away ONE right and you have opened the door to one more then one more and then you have none, don’t say it can’t happen it’s started

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As we have been saying here in the U.S.: "Happy Indictment Week!"

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Oh, and our First Parliament dates from 1821... A bit old too...

«No dia 26 de janeiro de 1821, realiza-se a sessão inaugural das Cortes Constituintes, o primeiro Parlamento português, eleito após a Revolução Liberal de 1820. A reunião tem lugar na Biblioteca do Convento das Necessidades, com a presença de 74 Deputados, cujos mandatos tinham sido verificados dois dias antes na sessão preparatória das Cortes Constituintes.»

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Thank you …your comments amplify my point…that republics need care or they will be overturned

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About «old stuff» that we need to take very good care of, I read your other post that said that our Constitution was written in 1976. True, for the one that is in effect now.

Though, I left a comment there as follows: «Wonderful text, but I wish to add information. Our First Constitution was written in 1822 (XIX century - and during monarchy): «A Constituição Portuguesa de 1822 aprovada em 23 de setembro de 1822 foi o mais antigo texto constitucional português, tendo assinalado uma tentativa de pôr fim ao absolutismo e inaugurar em Portugal uma monarquia constitucional.» We had other Constitutions in 1826, 1838, and another in 1911 (now with a Republic, yey!), also in 1933 (after the political coup of 1926) and the one we have now in 1976 (after the 25th April 1974). So... our very First Constitution is... quite old.

All about Portuguese Constitutions (in PT): https://www.parlamento.pt/Parlamento/Paginas/PercursosConstituicao.aspx (this site has lots of interesting information about our political system, see at the bottom of the page).

(I love reading you.)»

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