Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the reminder to vote. Everyone who cares about democracy should vote in every election for every position. Especially school boards and local functionaries. Even when enjoying the peace and sanctuary in their new homes. Enjoy your time off!

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Have a fabulous vacation! It sounds like an itinerary of beauty (I’ve been to the areas you’re going, and as an artist, can vouch that they’re stunning!!)

And thank you so much for posting your older posts about Portugal - it’s still tops on my list, and after just hearing my landlords are putting the property up for sale, it just might be the kick in the pants I need to make a change again ;)

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We all need a kick from time to time…

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If you do NOT love Lago di Como, I would be surprised! The views of the alps at sunset, the colorful buildings and boats, the friendly people. Try the tiramisu gelato in Bellagio and do visit Varenna, my favorite Italian town. I haven't been there in years, so I don't know if Lara and her family still run the hotel Olivedo on the lake, but the restaurant is AMAZING!!!!!!!! Let them pick your wine and recommend the piattis ( all 7 of them )!!! It was years ago that we were there, but they were absolutely charming and the food was over the top delicious, as was the wine. I still dream of the mushroom crepes we had as Primi Piatti. We heard Lara speaking German, French and several other languages - and even wending her way around some Arabian languages to suit her guests. It was her brother in the kitchen cooking and her Mom was at the bar - and her cute little dog was all over the hotel. If you do go, please tell her we remember her family so fondly! Have fun!!!

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Sounds like a great trip. Enjoy your vacation!

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Your holiday sounds wonderful! Enjoy your time in Italy and Switzerland as well as the Silver Coast!

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Viagens seguras!

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Enjoy your time away. Love reading your posts.

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Thank you for taking time off, and for the plan to share 'best of'. I revisited the blog about why people came here and enjoyed being reminded to not feel guilty about what we can't change. I certainly needed that today.

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Good morning, Nancy! I love your writing. Just a note about Americans and Friends in Portugal. We are closed for August. Thank you for mentioning the group, but maybe if folks waited until September.

Love you, m

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At Lake Como, there is a boat which goes to an enchanting little island with a beautiful old restaurant….might be a great lunch or dinner experience….(I took it from Vila D’este, but I imagine it has multiple starting points…)

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Thanks Toby we will definitely visit…safe travels (with Harley standing guard in the back seat).

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Hi, thanks so much for these posts, and do have a wonderful time away.

Voting from overseas: I just went looking for that post but couldn't find it. I have the idea that I need to be registered by 5 August.

Can you point to that post before next week?

New in PT. Thx, --emk

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Please go to votefromabroad.org

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Please push forward your blog on voting. Americans living overseas should have registered by July 31 to ensure they will receive their ballots — which are sent September 24. Registering later may mean ballots arrive too late to vote.

Registering as a domestic absentee voter is not recommended because 1) ballots are sent 20 days later and often by mail which means it will be difficult for those required to return votes by snail mail to make deadlines and 2) given scrutiny on ballots and vote tallies this election, there is reason to believe domestic absentee ballots by overseas residents may be thrown out as illegal in many states (must be a legal resident to vote or if you rely on someone else to vote for you or receive/return your ballot for you, etc.).

Overseas citizens are guaranteed the right to vote by Federal Law — registering as an overseas voter guarantees this Federal protection of your ballot.

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Anyone that has not yet registered please go to votefromabroad.org to register. We share our experience in next week’s post.

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