Thank you for sharing this first-hand account of your medical care. Be well.

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Speedy recovery and rehab! Really appreciate you (and Denise) continuing the blog during your "down-time"!!!!

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Such a bummer! 😔Sounds like you’re getting good care…speedy recovery..😎 keep us posted (no pun intended) ☀️

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I have wanted to know more about the Healthcare system here in PT, but you didn't have to fall off your bike to show me. Next time just do research the regular way. :-)

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Heal quickly, Nancy! I so enjoy your blog!!

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I hope all goes well Nancy!!!

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Ajah, thanks for your concern. I am doing just fine!

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I’m a little behind on your blog. Recovering from rotator cuff surgery. Not fun. Hope you have an easy rehab. I know from trying, it’s difficult to type with one hand so I hope you keep posting.

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Rotator cuff recobery is real tough. Sorry you have to endure it.

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Wow! Now they're writing songs about you! Only in Portugal! I hope this song makes its way up the charts. I can envision a pix of you with your cast on the DVD cover.

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OMG - you do not have to go to such lengths to experience the health care system. I hope surgery went well and you are on your way to a speedy recovery. Take care.

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I am just fine...hope to be playing golf again in 6 weeks and taking the next traffic circle a bit more carefully.

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The roundabouts can get you especially with curbs. All the best to you both.

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I am so sorry about your accident and injury. Two of my other friends had the same surgery recently. You’ll be good as new soon. Hugs.

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Good recovery :)

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Wow, what a nuisance. Have you already had the operation? Hope everything is on the mend.

Are you still in the Algarve?

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Yes and yes...read all about it on Wednesday.

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Can’t wait 😅

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