Thanks for helping get the word out, Nancy! I hope everyone will take advantage of the incredibly easy voter registration process at www.votefromabroad.org ! They also have a dedicated, fully informed help team that you can reach via that website. And of course, our volunteers at Democrats Abroad Portugal are happy to help as well! www.democratsabroad.org/pt

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Great information, thanks!

We talked to our voter registrar because we’ll be in Europe this fall. In case we don’t get home in time, I asked if we could vote overseas. For the state of Washington, as long as I email them from overseas, they would be able to email me the forms to vote. So, even a citizen on vacation can request an abstentee ballot or simply email their registrar (in Washington state). It’s good to check before you take a trip close to the elections.

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Great news for you! Washington state has an effective modern voting process as do a few others. Far too many states still permit only snail mail to return your ballot. My voting state of Illinois is, surprisingly, one of them.

Check your voting state’s options now at votefromabroad.org — it takes less than 5 minutes.

Don’t find out too late that you don’t have enough time to vote.

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Very useful information Nancy. Two of my adult kids were dispossessed of their votes in the last election so we are taking our registration very seriously this time around and insisting on accountability.

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Thank you, Nancy. Our overseas votes matter. Your words help this happen.

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Great post. When I lived in Australia (for 10 years), I voted in California the entire time. My Democrat vote didn’t have any real effect there but it kept me engaged in the process that I believe in so much. I truly hope this experiment called the United States of America succeeds.

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Until now, I have had nothing but kudo after kudo for both the style and content of your posts. This is my first exception. Still A++ on style. Also with the overall intent of this article. My one critique is with your blindness to your American Exceptionalism.

"The only thing wrong with this self-congratulatory portrait of America’s global role is that it is mostly a myth. Although the United States possesses certain unique qualities — from high levels of religiosity to a political culture that privileges individual freedom — the conduct of U.S. foreign policy has been determined primarily by its relative power and by the inherently competitive nature of international politics. By focusing on their supposedly exceptional qualities, Americans blind themselves to the ways that they are a lot like everyone else." — Stephen M. Walt, a columnist at Foreign Policy and the Robert and Renée Belfer professor of international relations at Harvard University.

I'm guessing that you are actually aware of this myth and perhaps fell prey (as I, too, often used to do) to pure habit, owing to a lifetime of indoctrination. Either way, give this great article a quick glance: https://foreignpolicy.com/2011/10/11/the-myth-of-american-exceptionalism/

And then, perhaps, add to your list of "future post ideas" an article about how moving abroad can have the positive effect of opening your mind up to the fact that all countries and cultures have pluses and negatives, and that the United States, despite taking its turn at the top of the international heap for the past 75 years, is not unique or exceptional or greater, any more than many other countries.

PS: I also registered for overseas voting via Democrats Abroad.

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Franklin, yes I was indoctrinated as a child and often still fall prey to my childish views. I no longer subscribe to many of those beliefs. You are right to point this out. Thanks for the reads

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“Hell, no”. Really? Then why the interest in preserving your vote if you have no intention of being an active US citizen? I guess I just don’t understand never desiring to return and still wanting to preserve your vote. But, all are welcome at the ballot box. Especially in these strange times - the very times that drove you out of the country.

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As long as we hold a US passport we are obligated to pay Federal taxes…but more than that I will always care about my friends and family.

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Just an addition: Most citizens living outside their country still have the right to vote in their country’s major elections.

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Well written. We're still registered in Miami-Dade County. Can't wait to vote for Val Demings. What e-fax application did you use?

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I am incredibly cheap…so I actually used two different ones I found in the Mac/Apple store. Both said they were free but charged you after a few pages. Sorry I don’t recall their names and have since deleted.

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