Thank you...for the solid research you do, fornthe careful distillation of overwhelming amounts of information, for what always strikes me as a balance and educated view. We came to Portugal 12 years ago because we could; would we now be fleeing, had we not come earlier? I hope not, but I also feel that the resolve to stand and fight seems to be battered out of many. We fight from here.
Thank you for your last sentence, Susan. For all reading who’ve moved to PT since a last election, you CAN vote from PT, but pls register as an overseas voter to get your ballot early and have Federal protection for your vote. Rumors are overseas American ability to vote, however small, are next on the states’ chopping blocks. (Yet not their ability to tax us.)
Vote for your family, friends, investments in the US, for climate and US taxation laws that impact you in PT.
The comment about choosing to flee was a gut punch. We have been chastised by others including our adult children for not staying to fight for change. My response is as a 50-something year old I feel like I’ve been fighting for decades already. Things are getting worse, not better. I’m tired, I’m done. Yes I am fleeing as life is short and I’m no martyr for this cause.
Well stated Nancy! We arrived in Lisbon yesterday for a second scouting trip. The conversation in our van, that included an expat couple from Canada, hit all of the points you mentioned. We keep wanting to say that we are “running to, not away from” but it’s getting harder everyday to say that in honesty.
I couldn't agree more. It’s time to draw a line in the sand. Any American that unsubscribes because you are being “political” clearly doesn’t understand what is at stake, or is a champion of the policies and direction (even if unconsciously). My concern as of late is when America goes down how much of the rest of the world and economy will go down with it. Both Russia and China would love to fill the void. Sorry to bring the conversation down even more, but it’s not looking good from my perspective.
I agree with everything that you said Nancy. I did not leave the US because of politics but I definitely don’t miss all of the crazy. Between all the people that voted for Trump and all of those who say that they are against abortion because a life is being taken.. yet they don’t seem to be as bothered by children being shot in schools… I’m just so over it. I worry about the future of the country. I love what America is supposed to stand for .. not what it IS!!😿
Thank you for being truthful. I could not agree more. And while I share your political perspective, I keep hoping that the January 6th committee will be a wake up call for this country and the catalyst for some positive change. It has been alarming to witness the political divisiveness in this country, the irrational and uncivilized approach to gun rights, the overturning of Roe v. Wade by a Supreme Court infused with Christian zealots when the majority believes that abortion is a very personal decision that should never be regulated by the government and the repeated attempts to suppress voting rights.
I love where I live, but I am watching carefully and fleeing remains an option, so your words are helpful and your message touches my heart. Thank you for that and for being a light in a sometimes dark place. I always read your words and look forward to hearing from you.
Please keep up the good work. I think these ideas/opinions/facts must be said out loud. As loud as can be. If you try to cater to everyone, you won't be saying what is right in front of us. I'm living in Portugal now. I love your Portugal stories, but I also LOVE what you wrote today.
Thank you for your keen writing. As always, I read your blog, hoping you are not preaching to the choir; but maybe if the choir sings loud enough, some change for the good can happen. I'm from Massachusetts and have little contact with other parts of the USA. I grew up as a Democrat and will always believe in the values we care about, like helping real people in real ways, and not the phony hypocrisy peddled by greedy Republicans. It's catastrophic that the Republicans are so blind and selfish as to destroy America.
I spoke to a Portuguese man this past weekend. He is in this early 20's and said as a child he dreamed of going to America...the land of opportunities. Now he would not think about leaving Portugal. "The US is too scary".
I couldn't agree more! I saw the writing on the wall after the presidential election and moved to Lisbon in January 2021. I love it and plan to build a life here. At the same time, I will continue to stand and fight for change in the U.S. ... but will do it from a distance, for the sake of my sanity. The "flee option" is looking better and better, to judge from my recent experiences visiting family and friends back home. While there, 7 people asked me for advice about moving to Portugal (Americans and Friend PT and your blog are 2 of my top recommendations) and I spoke to countless others who would leave if their personal circumstances permitted.
Some choose to unsubscribe, I choose to forward to as many friends as I possibly can! Thanks Nancy for saying what needs to be said, you are an inspiration for many.
Spot on. I live in Pennsylvania, in the state capital region. I could not believe in 2016 how many educated people I knew who voted for Trump. Unfortunately there were also a fair number who refused to vote for either and cast their ballot to the Green Party (which turned out to be a vote for Trump, unfortunately). The US is no longer led by the will of the people - we are most definitely in "minority rule" territory. It's equal parts sad and frightening. The Supreme Court isn't nearly finished with their path of destruction either - this feels like a "hold my beer" moment. Part of me feels unpatriotic for wanting to leave for Europe, but this has been our dream for many decades, politics aside. We will continue to cast our vote from where ever we live (assuming it will continue to be counted...).
I am extremely aligned with your viewpoint regarding the current situation in the U.S. as well as the frequency of your news viewing. I have been in Portugal for 2 months now and was definitely driven here by a desire to get away from the dangerously frightening effects of current U.S. politics. I don't really think the Portuguese people are quite as aware of the scope of the current dangers facing the U.S., but of course, compared to U.S. knowledge of what goes on in other parts of the world, this is not a value judgement. The Jan. 6th Select Committee Hearings are riveting yet it makes me physically ill to think they may not result in criminal charges at the top because of a rigged Supreme Court. Poor education in the U.S. is causing its citizens to willingly bite their noses to spite their own faces. It is truly terrifying and though I am still dealing with my own feelings of adjustment to living alone in an new country, I am grateful to be sitting here now, while it is still possible to leave, as I watch democracy set itself up to crash and burn. Thank you for this post. I am grateful for the chance to weigh in on these truly life changing events and yes, I have every intention of continuing to vote from here.
If I could subscribe multiple times, I would do so.
My scouting trip is in October. I am torn about citizenship as voting and making connections to encourage everyone who cares about democracy to vote, without using authoritarian "hate the 'other'" tactics is important to me.
But so is not getting shot, having reproductive choices available to my daughters and being able to pay for the lower tiers of Maslow's hierarchy of needs....
Thank you...for the solid research you do, fornthe careful distillation of overwhelming amounts of information, for what always strikes me as a balance and educated view. We came to Portugal 12 years ago because we could; would we now be fleeing, had we not come earlier? I hope not, but I also feel that the resolve to stand and fight seems to be battered out of many. We fight from here.
Thank you for your last sentence, Susan. For all reading who’ve moved to PT since a last election, you CAN vote from PT, but pls register as an overseas voter to get your ballot early and have Federal protection for your vote. Rumors are overseas American ability to vote, however small, are next on the states’ chopping blocks. (Yet not their ability to tax us.)
Vote for your family, friends, investments in the US, for climate and US taxation laws that impact you in PT.
Thank you, Nancy. Valuable thoughts, as always.
Absolutely! VOTE, VOTE, VOTE. Save those back in the US.
The comment about choosing to flee was a gut punch. We have been chastised by others including our adult children for not staying to fight for change. My response is as a 50-something year old I feel like I’ve been fighting for decades already. Things are getting worse, not better. I’m tired, I’m done. Yes I am fleeing as life is short and I’m no martyr for this cause.
I wrestled with not staying to fight as well...
Well stated Nancy! We arrived in Lisbon yesterday for a second scouting trip. The conversation in our van, that included an expat couple from Canada, hit all of the points you mentioned. We keep wanting to say that we are “running to, not away from” but it’s getting harder everyday to say that in honesty.
I couldn't agree more. It’s time to draw a line in the sand. Any American that unsubscribes because you are being “political” clearly doesn’t understand what is at stake, or is a champion of the policies and direction (even if unconsciously). My concern as of late is when America goes down how much of the rest of the world and economy will go down with it. Both Russia and China would love to fill the void. Sorry to bring the conversation down even more, but it’s not looking good from my perspective.
I agree with everything that you said Nancy. I did not leave the US because of politics but I definitely don’t miss all of the crazy. Between all the people that voted for Trump and all of those who say that they are against abortion because a life is being taken.. yet they don’t seem to be as bothered by children being shot in schools… I’m just so over it. I worry about the future of the country. I love what America is supposed to stand for .. not what it IS!!😿
That last sentence really says it all. With you 100% though I came to this conversation very late.
Thank you for being truthful. I could not agree more. And while I share your political perspective, I keep hoping that the January 6th committee will be a wake up call for this country and the catalyst for some positive change. It has been alarming to witness the political divisiveness in this country, the irrational and uncivilized approach to gun rights, the overturning of Roe v. Wade by a Supreme Court infused with Christian zealots when the majority believes that abortion is a very personal decision that should never be regulated by the government and the repeated attempts to suppress voting rights.
I love where I live, but I am watching carefully and fleeing remains an option, so your words are helpful and your message touches my heart. Thank you for that and for being a light in a sometimes dark place. I always read your words and look forward to hearing from you.
Please keep up the good work. I think these ideas/opinions/facts must be said out loud. As loud as can be. If you try to cater to everyone, you won't be saying what is right in front of us. I'm living in Portugal now. I love your Portugal stories, but I also LOVE what you wrote today.
Thank you for your keen writing. As always, I read your blog, hoping you are not preaching to the choir; but maybe if the choir sings loud enough, some change for the good can happen. I'm from Massachusetts and have little contact with other parts of the USA. I grew up as a Democrat and will always believe in the values we care about, like helping real people in real ways, and not the phony hypocrisy peddled by greedy Republicans. It's catastrophic that the Republicans are so blind and selfish as to destroy America.
Spot on Nancy (unfortunately...)! To a European all this is both unbelievable and very scary and sad.
I spoke to a Portuguese man this past weekend. He is in this early 20's and said as a child he dreamed of going to America...the land of opportunities. Now he would not think about leaving Portugal. "The US is too scary".
I couldn't agree more! I saw the writing on the wall after the presidential election and moved to Lisbon in January 2021. I love it and plan to build a life here. At the same time, I will continue to stand and fight for change in the U.S. ... but will do it from a distance, for the sake of my sanity. The "flee option" is looking better and better, to judge from my recent experiences visiting family and friends back home. While there, 7 people asked me for advice about moving to Portugal (Americans and Friend PT and your blog are 2 of my top recommendations) and I spoke to countless others who would leave if their personal circumstances permitted.
Some choose to unsubscribe, I choose to forward to as many friends as I possibly can! Thanks Nancy for saying what needs to be said, you are an inspiration for many.
Thanks for forwarding!
Spot on. I live in Pennsylvania, in the state capital region. I could not believe in 2016 how many educated people I knew who voted for Trump. Unfortunately there were also a fair number who refused to vote for either and cast their ballot to the Green Party (which turned out to be a vote for Trump, unfortunately). The US is no longer led by the will of the people - we are most definitely in "minority rule" territory. It's equal parts sad and frightening. The Supreme Court isn't nearly finished with their path of destruction either - this feels like a "hold my beer" moment. Part of me feels unpatriotic for wanting to leave for Europe, but this has been our dream for many decades, politics aside. We will continue to cast our vote from where ever we live (assuming it will continue to be counted...).
Well said, my friend! Keep me on your subscribe list!
I am extremely aligned with your viewpoint regarding the current situation in the U.S. as well as the frequency of your news viewing. I have been in Portugal for 2 months now and was definitely driven here by a desire to get away from the dangerously frightening effects of current U.S. politics. I don't really think the Portuguese people are quite as aware of the scope of the current dangers facing the U.S., but of course, compared to U.S. knowledge of what goes on in other parts of the world, this is not a value judgement. The Jan. 6th Select Committee Hearings are riveting yet it makes me physically ill to think they may not result in criminal charges at the top because of a rigged Supreme Court. Poor education in the U.S. is causing its citizens to willingly bite their noses to spite their own faces. It is truly terrifying and though I am still dealing with my own feelings of adjustment to living alone in an new country, I am grateful to be sitting here now, while it is still possible to leave, as I watch democracy set itself up to crash and burn. Thank you for this post. I am grateful for the chance to weigh in on these truly life changing events and yes, I have every intention of continuing to vote from here.
If I could subscribe multiple times, I would do so.
My scouting trip is in October. I am torn about citizenship as voting and making connections to encourage everyone who cares about democracy to vote, without using authoritarian "hate the 'other'" tactics is important to me.
But so is not getting shot, having reproductive choices available to my daughters and being able to pay for the lower tiers of Maslow's hierarchy of needs....