Thank you for this. I am the daughter of a German born Holocaust survivor. I know of the atrocities of authoritarian rule through my mother and my surviving relatives. I have a friend who lives near Munich and I have been to Munich many times. Wonderful city, but has sad and scary reminders of that horrible period in history. I live in Portugal now, and I am registered to vote from abroad. I also have German citizenship which was acquired through German law Article 116 which gives children and grandchildren of German born victims of the Holocaust the citizenship that was stripped from their parents and grandparents. You can bet I will be voting in the German election as well. It is frightening that the ultra right-wing is again attaining power in Germany. Unfortunately, people have forgotten or ignore the horrors of the past.

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Thanks Nancy! Always a good reminder of the parallels between the rise of Hitler and the rise of Trump (rich self-interested biz men as potent drivers in both cases).

It’s jaw-dropping, as you point out, that about 35% of the U.S. population are hardcore Trump supporters! Without them, his mean, dangerous and insane rantings would marginalize him (much like RFK jr) and he’d defrag into oblivion.

The psychology behind why his followers stay loyal as his psychotic behavior continues to spiral will likely become a hallmark analysis for the ages.

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Nanc, great post - thank you. You do a valuable service providing the voting information and the historical snapshot. The parallels between the US today and Germany in the 1930s are blatant and sickening. So many people have either forgotten the lessons of this history, are ignorant of them or somehow just don’t see the parallels to what’s happening today with the rise of the rightists both in the US and in other countries like Germany, France, even Portugal.

We don’t live in a swing state but have never missed voting. I don’t understand people who don’t bother to vote or don’t think it’s important to participate. 🤷🏻‍♂️ I always say the big problem with democracy is that people can vote to lose it.

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Thank you for sharing another leg of your excellent trip. Most of all, for the detailed notes and links on voting from abroad. Sally DeSipio has led DAPT to the highest point of this organization's history in Portugal and her effort to get out the vote is untiring. Your connection between Hitler and Trump is chilling and accurate.

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My sympathies about the upcoming elections. My godfather was a Holocaust survivor and, being British, we were very much aware of the dreadful history. Well done for promoting the need to exercise one's voting ability - failure to vote leads to a loss of democracy.

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Thanks for all of the information about voting. I don't think it's hyperbolic to say that the future of American democracy rests on the outcome of this election. It's critical that we all vote if at all possible, especially those who live in swing states. Kamala Harris will almost certainly win the popular vote, but this election could easily end up being decided by 10,000 people in Pennsylvania.

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Excellent post Nancy! Thank you for sharing your holiday experience and your thoughts and assistance about voting abroad. I am all set for voting- I received a note from the register of voters saying that I would receive my ballot on or before September 21- I’m certain that this is the most important election of my lifetime. I am poised with pen and stamps in hand!

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Thank you Nancy! You reminded me to request my mail in ballot and thanks to your links - all done.

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Hey Nancy, thanks for another interesting and informative post. I particularly appreciate the link to confirm our registration as well as the promotion of Democrats Abroad. Our votes will count in Indiana, where they will make a miniscule difference, but they will be counted!

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Done and dusted! Thanks Nanc! 🗳 📬 ✅

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Great post…..good info. thx!👍

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Thanks for the information re: voting! We've been registered and, although registered in a non-swing state, we still check regularly on our registration. Beautiful pictures and I love the apology to your history teachers. :-) I experience a lot of those "Wait a minute! I never learned that in school" moments here. Thanks!

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I’m from Munich and I’m a member of Democrats Abroad in Porto as a dual citizen - funny coincidence. Glad you enjoyed your trip to Bavaria and Berlin and my husband and I will be the most eager to vote starting September 21 that we have ever been to preserve democracy in our home. Even though we’re not from a swing state, but from Chicago, Illinois, we never miss a chance to vote. Bon retour e Boa Viagem!

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When I lived in FL I often felt my vote was wasted. Then we moved to CA which was much better but it also seemed I couldn't make a difference. (Don't get me started on the disproportionate votes because of the E-college.) However, I never missed an opportunity to vote.

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From Germany, France and now Portugal, we will vote!

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Well written. One question; why do you say to not use the diplomatic pouch? We used it for the 2020 elections and our ballots made it to Florida.

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I can share my experience. Led the collection of sealed ballots across Portugal in 2016, and the Embassy offered us use of the diplomatic pouch. Half the ballots were never mailed outward from the Embassy in DC. The pouch is secure until it's opened in DC.

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Thanks for the info. I think we will hit the ballot drop off party in Portimao

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I am forwarding advice I received from Democrats Abroad. They discouraged its use.

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