It seems like mental health care is inadequate in so much of the world, and it makes me wonder how much of that is due to the fact that you can't "see" it the way you see a broken bone, or a lab value falling outside of the curve. Kind of the same way physical ailments that are hard to pin down like fibromyalgia or chronic pain are often un- or under-treated.

Thank you for writing about this, the more everyone discusses mental health, the more likely it is that discussing it and dealing with it becomes acceptable.

Have a great vacation!

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Perhaps I could move to Portugal and hang out my therapist shingle.

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Your story about your father is very sad. It was fortunate that he could coherently express his desire to you to be off the meds and that his family was respectful of his wishes. It had to be extremely difficult, but it was the loving thing to do.

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This has been a concern of ours due to our own mental health issues. We're making efforts to maintain our current psychology sessions online and via phone, initially, but worry about long term mental health care. We're hopeful, though, that we'll find local resources eventually. I appreciate your bringing this up as it is such an important issue that so many are wary to discuss.

I hope your friends' loved ones find the help that they deserve and so desperately need.

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Thanks Nancy! Just yesterday our housekeeper shared that the young boy she takes care of (not her son… I think he’s a relative’s son) has mental issues and Portugal won’t help her. I thought he was autistic but maybe they consider that a mental issue too. You’re right, no country is perfect…..

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Nancy, I remember all the time and effort you put into caring for your parents when they moved near you. Very admirable and a great example I hope to live up to when the time comes.

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Mental health is a worldwide crisis. There are so many factors contributing to this major health issue. The social malnutrition that most people have experienced over the past two years has certainly contributed to underlying issues. We can all help by talking about this issue and listening to each other. Stay well…

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In this crazy world that we live in nothing surprises me anymore.

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You may not know this as it just happened this month. New # to call for suicide and crisis, 988. It is supposed to be nationwide but not sure it is up and running in some rural areas as yet. We now have 911 and 988-suicide/crisis line where a trained counselor

will answer.

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Thanks for sharing this information.

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Hi Nancy

Yes I would like to know what is the process of opening an online virtual mental health services in Portugal. Please advise

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Sorry i am not a mental health professional, soi cannot advise

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Ok thanks last question do you know who can advise or lead me to right direction. Promise I won't ask you anymore questions

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Sorry, no

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Hi Nancy,

Thank you for sharing this story. I don't know if you are still in Portugal. But it's good to know someone that actually witness or lived there or vacation and have some type of knowledge about mental health in Portugal. I would love to connect with you if God willing. dsamms@mail.com

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Yes we live in Portugal and plan to stay here for the rest of our lives. You can contact me at any time if you have questions or comments.

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My husband died in April with Lewy Body Dementia, Parkisonism + severe cognitive deterioration and paranoia. Medical suppport here in the U.S. was minimal for us. My sister who is an MD told me that when it comes to understanding and treating dementia we are in the 'dark ages'. It sounds like Portugal is in the dark ages when it comes to mental health.

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I am not sure if any country has fully addressed these issues. We had a friend in FL that had LBD and it was quite difficult for his wife to get the support they both needed. Given the fact that we are living longer, these are issues all countries must addressn

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Yes and in the meantime the caregiver pays the price! In so many ways!

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