I'm planning to port my phone number to Google Voice just before leaving the States (assuming I get around to getting around to starting the move). $20 one-time fee, otherwise free. VoIP to current number, mostly for the 2FA. Anyone else who wants to call me from the States can learn how to use WhatsApp! I burned through cash while on my scouting trip (fresh bread and beer) so might need to invest in a wheelbarrow once I move there.

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Trust me you will walk it off…

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Hi Nancy. Nice post this morning. We did the "parking" thing with our US phone numbers. We're using a VOIP service called iPlum. For $49 / year / line it solves the problem of getting text messages from Capital One and others. I use it for business and personal calls to the US. It also gives us the opportunity to receive marketing calls...something we thought we were leaving behind! (See "unintended consequences" in your textbook.) The problem I'm sorting out now is making online purchases. Our Portuguese ATM card keeps getting turned down. We use Atlantico bank and they're on my list of calls for today. Our US cards get denied, too, though I understand the problem there - we have a US billing address and a Portuguese delivery address. They get flagged a fraudulent transactions.

But all that aside, it's another lovely day in Porto and I'm mighty happy to be here.

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Hi Nanc, do you know if there is a credit rating score you gain in Portugal here like back in the USA (FICO) and is that important if living in Portugal when buying property/car et al? We noticed since we left the States 6 months ago, selling our house and not using our credit cards, cancelling our car payment etc that our USA credit score keeps plummeting.

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I spoke with my friendly banker, Frederico. The bank of Portugal collects information from all financial institutions (debt, delinquent payment details ,etc). This info is provided to lender who then makes their determination. Information is also available for residents to view online. Where? I didn’t ask…hope this helps.

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I do not know…my 2020 tax return (proving my income) was all my banker needed. I got a call yesterday saying i was approved. And American friends that got a mortgage here about 3 months after moving to PT only provided income information to the lender. On the US credit score, I had a similar concern but our score has stayed pretty steady.

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