Nancy, I see a lot of similarities of Tom’s video that I went through after I had lost my 5th job in 8 1/2 years back in the early 90’s. I started my business unknowingly many of Tom’s principles. My fear of failure was my lifeline to my success.

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What I love about Planet Money are the stories of ordinary people who have done extraordinary things with their lives and often helped other people find a path to financial and emotional security. NPR is such a great resource for all kinds of interesting material. It is the only station I have my home radios tuned to - one in South Carolina and one in Georgia. Hope you get to tune in regularly.

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I listen to NPR on the web….a great gift

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:-) And we're eating lunch!

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Wish I'd have heeded this advice years earlier! :-)


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Today is the only day you can impact.

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Nancy, One of the best conversations I ever had was sitting with you along a canal in Ft. Lauderdale waiting to have dinner with a customer and you made me become aware of an irrational fear that was causing me to work to the point I was neglecting a health issue. It was one of those times where a light bulb went on. One minute I was blind to something then you asked me a few questions and made me aware. It was such a shock it made me cry. It also drove me to start making changes. Thank you for that moment.

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Tom, thanks for your comment...though I don't recall that moment, I remember so many others we shared and learned from one another.

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Love this!!

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