You are spot on. Makes me rethink my closet. I keep my PB and dump mostly everything else. Hmmm.

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You are my "Marie Kondo" heroes. I can never be that lean and mean however hard I try. I love clothes too much having worked in a creative world. Now retired and moving, my little old lady thrift shop in the small town I live in Massachusetts are agog at all the designer labels clothes I am donating as we move to Portugal next month. So proud of you both!

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Nothing to be proud of...it is a first world problem.

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Ah, the what if problem, I know it well. Particularly with the pandemic, my wardrobe 'needs' have greatly reduced. I've purged once and need to purge again. But, what if.....

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Understand entirely...when I look for something I have purged, Denise is quick to say "I told you..."

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