Mar 6, 2023Liked by Nancy Whiteman

We have 5 pine trees in our yard and, ever since finding out about these worms in Feb 2020, at the end of January I inspect each tree very closely and get rid of every nest that I find before they come out. This year I found 8-9, however a couple of weeks ago I came out of the house in the afternoon and found a small procession of about a dozen worms. Must have been a small nest that I had missed. Our son-in-law was once hiking through a pine stand in Mallorca when one of them fell out of the tree onto his neck and got under his t-shirt. He said the ensuing rash was one of the worst experiences in his life. Nasty little buggers.

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Feb 27Liked by Nancy Whiteman

I have a long extension pole (used for painting tall wall with a roller) that I use to knock down the ones that it will reach. some are out of reach, so starting late January I check out each the 3 real tall trees, at about 09:30-10:00 (this gives them time to make their procession down) for any of the little critters. If I see them I pick them up with a spatula (wearing disposable gloves) and take them down to farther reaches of the property to let them find their way to wherever they go.

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Yes Jessica said it itches like crazy

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How do you get rid of/destroy the nests w/out touching them/infecting yourself?

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Sorry, I have no idea

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Mar 6, 2023Liked by Nancy Whiteman

There is a group on FB that has good information on control methods etc and members also post sightings as a warning to others:


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Curious... has anyone seen these in Lisbon proper? Wondering if any pines in the large parks would be hosts to them. 🤔🤔🤔

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I am certain they are in Lisbon. Josephine encountered them in Carcavelos

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Wow! Thank you for writing this! Great PSA for those of us who hike, walk, and love our dogs.

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Mar 6, 2023Liked by Nancy Whiteman

A portuguese native I had never heard about this plague until a couple of years ago when my vet told me about it. 😱🥲

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Mar 6, 2023Liked by Nancy Whiteman

Wow, very scary! Thank you for posting!

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Mar 6, 2023Liked by Nancy Whiteman

Thank you!😬🙏

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Thank you só much!

It os realy dangerous

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Wow, good to know! thank you for getting the word out about these!

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Mar 6, 2023Liked by Nancy Whiteman

Thanks Nancy.

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Mar 6, 2023Liked by Nancy Whiteman

Yikes! Thank you so much for sharing this story, Nancy. We just arrived in Tavira with our dog Tucker and will avoid the pines for the next month or so. Appreciate the heads up! Let’s grab lunch one day in VRSA! So happy to finally be here ❤️

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Thank you for this information.

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those are the most terrifying photos you've ever posted. yikes! and isn't there another bug (on the beaches) that are deadly to dogs. i thought i read something ages ago...i suppose it won't be long before they cross the pond.

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I understand there may be small bugs in the water, but have not encountered them. Don’t know if there are any beach bugs.

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We just saw a small procession on our walk to the beach in VRSA the other day. The bigger paved trail seems to have a clearing over it but I guess one could still drop and hit you. There were many smushed worms on the walkway as well. I assume the hairs would still be caustic from the dead ones. We avoided stepping on them as best we could. What scared me was the number of people walking there dogs. Most were just romping through the forest. Off and on the path, with the parents not minding them. I was fearful, if unknowing tourists, that they could do easily come in contact with the little worms. Luckily we had heard of this and were conscious of the situation. But maybe we will need to find another way to the beach for this time of year.

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You can walk along river than the next street over (where 818 and Grand House Beach Club are) to eastern most end of beach

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Hey Nancy. I’m Thomas. My partner is Carl. We just toured VRSA with Moises. We are the two he and Paulo (our landlord) warned you about. Can’t wait to meet you.

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We are looking forward to meeting you! Please email me ncwhiteman@gmail.com

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Thanks 😉

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USA has Oak Processionary Caterpillars, very painful, but not poisonous !

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I never knew that…..must be related

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Thank you for sharing this information,

we have been living in Mallorca the last 6 months and I read about them here,

we are moving to Portugal near Silves on 22nd March,

and we were wondering were they in Portugal also,

so thank you now we know, we have 3 dogs,

So looking forward to living in Portugal, looking forward it so much. Might bump into some of you here someday, till then have a lovely day and

Thank so much for sharing.

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Silves is a lovely little city and has a fantastic vegetarian restaurant. In case you missed it, check out this post. https://expatinportugal.substack.com/p/silves-and-a-patient-pooch

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Thank you what a wonderful read, I look forward to visiting the restaurant, I’m not vegetarian however love vegetarian food, love your emails thanks Louise

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