"The real issue is when the workers don’t show up and leave for good, so sounds like you’re in good hands from a team of dedicated people assuring a quality product for you." So true! Mudding is an art of itself and you want the perfectionist who goes back again and again. : )

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Hats off to you while our heads are spinning...

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It looks beautiful so far. We cannot wait to see it again... completed 😉

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Is this the patient of Job?

Bless you both

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I felt my blood pressure rising as I read this. I will be so happy when the work is done and you can finally enjoy your beautiful new home.

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Cigars all round soon! 🤞🏻

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Remind me not to inhale!

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Repair emergencies and maintenance contracts make sense. Thanks!

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Wow…what an ordeal. Your patience has been tested but from looking at the photos, will be worth it.

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Cannot wait to see it!

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Oh gosh! Getting so close! While I understand it has had its frustrating moments, I do believe it will be beautiful once completed! Best wishes as you move toward the finish and equally fine wishes for much happiness in your new home!

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If I were in your situation, I would wake up cursing and continue until I went to bed at night or died of a stroke, whichever, mercifully, came first. But, you persist. Cheers to you. The end product will be lovely.

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You are patient and brave

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You’ll have the nicest Customs Hall home in the country once 💯 complete. The finishes are over the top and I’m sure all of your furniture will be exquisite inside. Parabens for being still sane in this stressful endeavor.

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It's really starting to come together! Looks fantastic!

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Thanks for sharing what must be an exasperating adventure with building construction in Portugal. It looks like when it's finished, it will be beautiful. May it be so!

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Would love to. Will be in PT in October.

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