Glad to hear that you are on the mend again and have your own personal live in nurse!

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As you well know, she’s the best.

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I do agree and was just talking with my cousin Ralph when we made the trip to San Jose. Aunt Sigrid is in her final day’s right now but Denise certainly was a amazing part of getting her to assisted care. The robbery was a extra special experience. We miss both of you. Hope you get better soon.

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I am sorry to hear about Aunt Sigrid. She and your family are in our thoughts.

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Good news !’

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This had a lot of useful information for me, since I am putting off bone spur/Achilles tendon surgery here with a podiatrist in the US and hoped to have it done after moving to Portugal. Thank you. I hope that your recovery continues to go well.

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As someone who has experienced foot pain, I feel your pain. Too bad about the doctor in the desert who screwed up your foot. I contemplated having bunion surgery but I chose not to and decided to just buy shoes with bigger toe boxes. Hopefully, you’re on the road to recovery. Take care of yourself.

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Glad the surgery went well. Hope you have a speedy recovery.

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Wonderful news that all went well. I also had a botched bunion operation back in South Africa and will probably have to have another one here. My left big toe is now very skew and squashing my other toes. The bunion is now bigger than it ever was before.

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Sorry to hear about your experience. To me, it seems like it should be a fairly simple surgery. Cut out a piece of bone at an angle...screw the remaining pieces together...waa-laa

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Update on MGEN, my mom got pneumonia after being in PT for 7 months. The insurance will not cover a THING in regards to anything they deem a "serious illness" for the first 360 DAYS!!! Time to cancel this crap.

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I have MGEN and it covered my surgery without question. There is an issue with pre-existing conditions…

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Nope. They said it falls under Article 4, "serious condition".

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Great read Nancy , speedy recovery xxx

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Nancy your article was interesting as usual. Would you mind sharing Dr, Vida’s phone number in Lisbon? I have a foot issue that needs to be looked at. Thank you.

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I don't know his phone number in Lisbon. but I found this by Googling him https://peetornozelo.pt/en/home-en/dr-joao-vide/

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Thank you so much. Please keep writing.

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Glad to hear all went well! What a timely post. We live in Olhão and are

on holiday for 6 weeks. Day 3 I took a spill and broke my left hand and right ankle (while in the US). Fortunately the first provider said they should heal without surgery, just with splints. But I will need to see an orthopedic doctor

when we get back. We have Medis insurance so will likely use Gambelas also.

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I also have foot issues and have had previous surgery. I will need future one(s), as well. Can you share the Temple University Dr info you mentioned? I got MGEN insurance even though I'm 49 because they DO cover podiatry and Allianz doesn't! I'd love to know your costs, as I might be in the same boat eventually. I'm almost a year out of preexisting coverage. bootsonthegroundpt@gmail.com

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I have MGEN insurance. I am contacting my agent to determine if it is just my policy, the first year of coverage or just a misunderstanding. I am sorry, I no longer recall the name of the podiatrist that had done a fellowship in Philadelphia.

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Please let us know on that, I think it's because of the preexisting condition as MGEN should cover it. I'm betting on it, at least it's not specifically excluded. Glad you are feeling better! Foot stuff is so bad, I'm scared my US podiatrist told me I will likely need toe joint replacement surgery in the future!!! I'm only 49. I have a lot of arthritis in the joint (don't ask me how/why!? and gout).

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Curious as to the coverage problem...was this because of the pre-existing condition or because, as Heather implies above, because Allianz does not cover podiatry? PS Blue Cross/Blue Shield didn't cover it either (in the States).

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Please see my response above.

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It's such BS! How is my big toe joint not working properly NOT a crucially important medical issue!? So insane. I also had bone spurs removed and stem cells put in. I had to pay cash for the stem cells (in the US).

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